Monday, March 15, 2010

Me Talk Pretty One Day

My Family!

I met my mom in the lobby and was so nervous and excited the first words that came out of my mouth were "sorry my Spanish is terrible, but I'm Katy!"

I was met with a hug and the traditional Chilean kiss and as we walked to the car and squeezed my oversized luggage into her two door we began the somewhat complicated process of getting to know one another.

So some facts about my Chilean Family:
Mother- Paula
Sister- Karina (Kari) 21 years
Brother- Max 20 years
Dog- Don Gino (or Dino as I call him) 10 years

Since moving in with my family I can't imagine a study abroad experience any other way. Through them I have met people such as my sister's ex-fiance (yet best friend- yep it really works for them) Fernando, who has become like an older brother to me.
Also, from taking long walks with Dino I have gotten to know my little area in Providencia really well so no more getting lost! I hope...

Also, they are the people that I continue to embarrass myself in front of with my attempts to converse in Spanish. My family is so patient with me! The first two weeks I would end my nights with Karina going over things in Spanish that I never learned or had never understood before.

It's frustrating because I so desperately want to communicate more about myself with them and to deepen our relationships, but my mouth opens and nothing comes out...

However, on those rare days where I'm thinking in Spanish amazing conversations will happen such as over the education system in Chile or the political makeup of my brother's university.

Although many days I feel like giving up and go into default gesture mode, with their patience I hope that one day I will speak effectively and eloquently in Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. :) Keep pushin through Katy, you'll pick it up quickly! I'm excited to read more
