Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little explanation is in order

So it seems my blogging days are starting a little earlier than expected. Now to be honest, I have always been a little skeptical about blogging. I mean what is its purpose? If it is to record your thoughts hopes and dreams blah blah blah... That seems to me suited for a journal or your closest friends in a conversation with coffee. If it is to impart knowledge and information on the world- well count me out of that as well. I have nothing to give someone that they can't give themselves...

So what then is this about for me and what is with that blog name?

I knew my days as an anti-blogger were numbered when studying abroad took over my life. You see I leave in a little over 3 weeks and here I am going to Santiago, Chile virtually by myself. I have never been good at keeping in touch over long periods of time and since I don't really have anyone else going who I can rely on to give little check ins for those curious friends and family... The time has come to keep a blog and make use of the most efficient way to keep my friends and family connected.

Now, I have started a little earlier than intended and this can be blamed on my recent viewing of Julie & Julia. Strange I know, but that movie just made me want to blog! Well, not exactly- it made me want to do something and be accountable! I have been lazing away my time before leaving and I can't do that any more! My life exists here just as much as it will in Chile.

And so my blog name was born- Set Fire (you know in a command form- like YOU! Set fire!)

It comes from one of my favorite bands: Stars. One of their songs starts by saying
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."
And for me that has more or less been a mantra of motivation and it basically says get off your ass and begin your life now!

So before I leave for Chile (which has enormous expectations...) It's time to start setting fire to my life now, daily.
So I am hoping this blog helps me to search for excitement and creativity instead of feeling content in the sameness of every day.

I'm thinking being content is actually disguising boredom and an inability to ACT.

So, how should I set fire?


  1. i love starrssss. soo goood. take me to the riot, personal, the first five times are my favorites. keep blogging! you are good at thiss

    ps i better get a postcard from chile. srsly.

  2. This is gonna be exciting...and yes, you do have something to give to the world that some people can't give to themselves. :) Inspiration and insight that they may not find elsewher
